Roberto Saccà’s performance is on a high level, his ²La donna è mobile² an excellent finale.
Roberto Saccà is a stylish Duca di Mantova. He phrases with elegance and has an authoritative stage presence.
Roberto Saccà plays the wannabe playboy Baron Lummer with much wit and exemplary diction, a luxury cast...
As Des Grieux, Italian-German tenor Roberto Saccà masters the French opera style perfectly. All his performances were successful. He is someone who should be invited back regularly.
Roberto Saccà (Florestan) has become an almost heroic tenor, who articulates brilliantly, and whose voice has gained a lyric sheen.
Roberto Saccà is most convincing: his increasingly strong identification with the role of Jesus, his empathy and censure, which make him, in conservative eyes, a terrorist to be expelled from society, can surely leave no one cold.